We all know it’s time to move forward.  We wouldn’t be hurtling towards an unexpected election otherwise.  On the most part the issues haven’t changed since the last election and our community still have the same values and concerns as before.

What has changed though are the people we trusted to protect our values and our beliefs. The people we trusted to raise our concerns and fight for resolutions to the political, social, moral and economic issues that we face in our everyday lives.

Some people in our country are lucky, they live in a comfortable manner not really knowing what it’s like to battle from one payday to the next.  Others aren’t so lucky.

It’s time to help our local economy grow by supporting local small businesses and co-operatives. Creating new opportunities and helping people take advantage of them.

It’s also time to treat our workers with the dignity and respect they deserve, by implementing a real living wage.

For too long have the leading political parties in this country put the interests of their party ahead of each and every one of the people they were elected to serve.  I believe it’s time to take back control.  Time for the people who really make the decisions to stand up and make their voices heard. Your voice.

I believe in some cases radical change is needed, but I’m a realist who understands that reforming our institutions could be more effective and more efficient.  It’s time to make sure that the government serves us, for we are not subservient, we are voting citizens with a right to decide how our money is spent and our country is run.

It’s time to make sure that the government in this country begins to make real progress, rather than stumble from one crisis to the next.  It’s time to find ways where we can respect the rights of everyone in our society regardless of their religious, political, moral or ethical beliefs or on the basis of their gender, age, ability, colour, sexuality or creed.

Let’s protect our public services, our most vulnerable and our citizens together by holding the right people to account.

My name is Adam McBride, and I am standing as an independent in North Antrim.

I’d like you to consider voting for me, to consider taking a leap of faith because like you I believe it’s time to work together to help this country move forward.

It’s time to make our country work for us all. Thank you.